If you got bitten by a stray dog or cat

stray catThere are still many stray dogs and cats in Thailand.
In THE NATION THAILAND column, the estimated number of stray dogs and cats were 82,0000 approximately from the 2017 research.
And not a few people who had got a bite and had to visit the hospital or clinic.
source: https://www.nationthailand.com/national/30356564

Some patients also visit Blez Clinic because the waiting time is less than the hospital, able to clean the wound and make treatment of Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP).

Some people might think “Should I go to Blez Clinic or hospital?”

We will give you some information to make an easy decision.

A person who had never get rabies vaccination in life,
or a person who had got vaccination but did not finish the course.
If you got a bite by a risky dog or cat, you need to get an immunoglobulin injection.

In Blez Clinic we do not carry immunoglobulin.
If you have a risk like above, please visit the hospital.

If you do not have a risk like above, you can visit our clinic.
If you have a vaccination record, it would be very helpful that you could bring it with your visitation.

Check Blez Clinic’s Rabies Vaccination Price from the link below.
Details of Immunization at BLEZ Clinic

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